Mrs. Bzura’s News
The St. Pius School Community, strives to follow Jesus as we Study, Pray, and Serve.
Reading: Again this week, some children will be going to Mrs. Bilinski’s room for
a reading group. It’s great to be able to split into smaller groups! Mrs. Bilinski’s group will continue reading Mascot’s Message from the Tales of Adventure series. My group will finish Conflict in the Clouds from Tales of Mystery.
Both groups will continue to work on retelling the story after each chapter. We’ll also revisit the phonics concepts of the “walkers”, suffixes, and syllables.
Following these stories, we’ll begin reading Ramona Quimby, Age 8.
Writing/English: Our grammar focus this week will be on using to, too and two at the proper times. Following that, we’ll continue with our study of writing friendly letters. Look for an assignment sheet to come home early next week asking for the name of a person your child can write a letter to.
Science: Our test over chapter 1 in Unit F will be on Monday. Then we’ll begin a study of light. This week in particular, we’ll learn how light reflects and refracts. This is a difficult concept for third graders. I hope to do some demonstrations to help them SEE what reflection and refraction look like.
Religion: We begin chapter 9 this week in Religion. We’ll talk about how as Catholics, we are “open to all”. That is actually what the word Catholic means. We’ll talk about how water is used in our daily lives. It is a great gift that God gave us and we rely on it daily. We’ll also talk about how water is used in the church. We’ll be looking at maps and tracing Jesus’ route from Jerusalem to Nazareth.
Next week I’ll need some magazine from which children can cut things out. If you have any old magazines you are going to throw out, please consider sending them in to school for us to use.
Handwriting: We continue practicing cursive writing and copying scripture this week! The children are now required to write their names in cursive and are copying their spelling words in cursive as well.
Spelling –Our focus this week is on the combination of the letters ea where the “walking” rule is not followed. Our spelling words for the week are: ahead, already, head, breakfast, breath, dead, heavy, instead, lead, read, ready, spread, sweater, thread and weather.
Social Studies – We continue chapter 4 – “Michigan Becomes a State” this week. In particular, we’ll look at what Tecumseh said and did to help form our state. We’ll also talk about how the fur trade continued into statehood.
Upcoming Dates:
2/7 – Science Test
2/10 – 3rd Grade Plans Mass
2/12 – Daddy Daughter Dance
2/14 – Valentine’s Day
*A class list will come home on Monday for children to address their valentines.
*Book orders are available online through the 21st. Go to . Our activation code is GQ9YV.